Our supporters
Our Supporters
Moshal Scholarship Program
"Our role is to support highly-motivated and tenacious students to access and complete their university education, so that they will get good well-paid jobs and improve their financial situation, that of their families and hopefully that of their communities one day. Scholarship recipients become beacons of hope to the other young people in their community, inspiring them to work harder and aim for the top. The Moshal Scholarship Program operates in South Africa, Israel and the Ukraine..."
Department of Higher Education and Training
"The mandate of the new Department included aspects of skills development which had previously resided in the Department of Labour.
The new Department was specifically established to focus on post-school education and training holistically and has extended its scope of operations extensively..."
Wholesale & Retail Sector Education and Training Authority
"The Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&RSETA) was established in 2000 in terms of the Skills Development Act (as amended). The public entity aims to facilitate the skills development needs of the Wholesale and Retail (W&R) sector through the implementation of learning programmes, disbursement of grants and monitoring of education and training as outlined in the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS).
SETAs are entities of the Department of Higher Education and Training. There are 21 SETAs; each servicing a specific economic sector of the Country..."
Khetha - Career Development Services
"Career Development Services (CDS) is a national initiative to bring free quality career information, advice and counselling services to South Africans of all walks of life. CDS was established in 2010 following a decision by the Cabinet of the Republic of South Africa which sought to ensure that South African’s of ‘all ages have access to quality and differentiated career information, advice and counselling services throughout their lives’..."